A conspiracy ripping through the anti-vax world may finally drive some anti-maskers to do the unthinkable: wear a mask and keep their distance. The conspiracy—which comes in several shapes and sizes—m
In 1990, Patagonia made a donation to Planned Parenthood, angering Christian fundamentalists. The response was swift: calls for a boycott, threats of store pickets and a deluge of complaints to its ca
Verkehrsforscher über Sprache : „Die Straße war mal für Kinder“ Berichte über Verkehrsunfälle halten die Schuld häufig von Autofahrern fern. Laut Dirk Schneidemesser prägt das unser Bewusstsein. taz:
Getty Images Anstatt Klartext zu reden, versuchen Manager mit leeren Phrasen häufig über Tatsachen oder Unsicherheit hinwegzutäuschen. In seinem Buch „Business Bullshit“ hat der Wirtschaftsjournalist
Why are some members of the Royal Family Princes and Princesses, some Dukes and Duchesses and Earls and Countesses, while others don’t have any titles at all?
A simplified guide to understanding British Royal Titles:
Vor kurzem produzierten 52 Schauspieler*innen versehentlich einen Querdenken-Werbespot. Ein paar distanzierten sich, als sich eine Affinität der Produzenten zur Verschwörungsszene als gar zu offenkund
“B ARBARIANS”, A NETFLIX drama set 2,000 years ago in ancient Germania, inverts some modern stereotypes. In it, sexy, impulsive, proto-German tribesmen take on an oppressive superstate led by cold, ra
Opinion Contagious Contributor / 25 March 2021 Funny times: why advertising swings between cynicism and sincerity / Advertising's shift from irony-laden cynicism to full-throated sincerity plays to Fe
Even if the phrase “mirror selfies” isn’t in your daily lexicon, you likely know what it means: a selfie which, rather than being taken directly – camera-phone to face – is taken using a mirror, givin
Interesting @kdrum post on the decline of blogs that includes, among other things, this provocative theory for why Google let Reader die, and no other major company picked up RSS effectively. https://t.co/4YUqnjRzUi https://t.co/A5K89T1Bq0
Laura Edelson was in a state of panic, and I knew I was a little bit to blame for her freakout. "If this is true," Edelson told me this week during one of several frantic phone calls, "this is my nigh
Shoes line the shelves of an Overkill store during the sale of new KAWS x Air Jordan 4 sneakers in March 2017 in Berlin. Maja Hitij/Getty Images This story is part of a group of stories called In the
"Ich bin zwar privilegiert, aber immerhin nicht reich" – Seite 1 Ichhabe lange gebraucht, um zu verstehen, dass ich ein Kind der Mittelklasse bin.1977 geboren und westdeutsch sozialisiert, war ich ste
Daft Punk trennen sich nach 28 gemeinsamen Jahren und das Abschiedsvideo ist ein absolutes Meisterwerk, featuring alle Gefühle auf einmal:
Dieser Artikel ist Teil des ZEIT-ONLINE-Schwerpunktes " Die Lagen der Nation " aus unserem Ressort X . Eine Auswahl weiterer Schwerpunkte finden Sie hier . Anke Stelling, 49, aufgewachsen in Stuttgart
I went looking for a defining color of its era. I found it in an old jar of paint. Apple’s second computer — its first to have a case — launched in 1977, and that boxy beige Apple II was soon everywhe
“The dude is privileged to be able to slack off, the dude is privileged to be able to say, nah, I don’t want to do that , and to be able to break the rules. Dude food embodies that ethos.” Getty Image
Illustration: Tyler Comrie The political philosopher Hannah Arendt, analyzing the fall of democratic Germany to the Nazis, observed that totalitarianism comes to power through a “temporary alliance be
Schwester Judith Zoebelein war die erste Webmasterin des Vatikans. Ich habe mit ihr gesprochen über 90er-Backgrounds, den Patron des Internets und Spiritualität der Technik. https://t.co/bwpeatmEF1
Students and recent graduates struggle to get hired as the oil industry cuts tens of thousands of jobs, some of which may never come back. HOUSTON — Sabrina Burns, a senior at the University of Texas at Austin, had thought she would be launching a lucrative career in the oil and gas industry when…
Im @ndaktuell findet sich ein sehr spannender Text, über die Verwertungslogik und den Finanzmarktkapitalismus innder Musikindustrie. Jetzt verstehe ich ein bisschen was Bob #Dylan gemacht hat, kann es aber noch viel weniger nachvollziehen. https://t.co/zaD1Me7bZH
Pornhub is removing all videos on its site that weren't uploaded by official content partners or members of its model program, a fundamental shift in the way one of the largest porn sites in the world
Thousands of years from now, an anthropologist might attempt to understand American culture by watching videos from Black Friday. In a typical scene, people known as “bargain hunters” gather outside B
Der wunderbare Leopold Zaak hat in seiner Kolumne für MEEDIA klug aufgeschrieben, warum wir alle aufhören sollten, uns bei Twitter gegenseitig die Egos zu streicheln. #meisterstück. https://t.co/ibjW85UC2z @larsweisbrod
The Pitch A crop of zany, rainbow-colored videos have influenced the rise of niche songs, and tapped into a long-standing fascination with the “glitch” November 19, 2020 Graphic by Drew Litowitz In Ti
Die Corona-Pandemie hat die Alltagsmobilität der Menschen in Deutschland stark verändert . Viele mieden plötzlich Busse und Bahnen und stiegen aufs Rad, ins Auto oder gingen zu Fuß. Eine Studie zeigt
Is the bizarre attempt by Mondelez to replace "marketing" with "humaning" the biggest ever bit of marketing bullshit of all time? No. But it did make it into my Top10 Marketing BS Index. Congratulations to their corporate marketing team. More here: https://t.co/zKqcZ1JBSw https://t.co/BkBPGQzN0O
Sara Garner had a nagging feeling something wasn’t quite right. A software engineer, she was revamping her personal site, but it just didn’t feel like her. Sure, it had the requisite links to her soci
To hear an audio take on this story, subscribe to SaaS Radio Hour . It all started when Charlie Brown let out a * sigh * at the state of things. Good grief , he'd say when the going got tough. But wor
A lot of you are too young to remember the Page Six story about Kirstie Alley forcing her publicist to breastfeed her pet possum and it shows: https://t.co/akMqD3FKOS
In Wien gibt es einen Wahlbezirk, der nur aus einer großen Wohneinheit mit 415 Wohnungen besteht. Ein Wohnheim der Polizei.
Und was die so wählen.... 🤢
There are many steps one must take on the road to becoming German. Understanding the concept of lüften is one of THE most important. I have panic attacks in hotels where I can’t open the windows. https://t.co/dYNCx0SS1B
“NO CIGARETTES AND NO POLITICAL PARTIES”: HOW BLACK LIVES MATTER MADE AGENCIES POLITICAL AGAIN Tess Lowery 30/07/2020 After decades of standing on the sidelines, agencies have finally entered the figh
Modeblogs inspirierten unsere Autorin jahrelang. Doch mit ihnen kam auch der Konsum. Wie kommt man da wieder raus? Ich mag sie. Mochte sie. Immer. Modeblogs . Also ihre Fotos. Da ist zum Beispiel eine
At least two people in the past week have noticed my lack of blogging and wondered if I'm OK. So, before social services are alerted, I thought I should explain myself. I'm good thanks. I've not been