Control text parsing for your site with HTML

To control Instapaper's parser on your own site, you can use the Open Graph protocol.

Opt out of text parsing for your site

Most publishers value the increased engagement, retention, and social interaction that Instapaper encourages among their readership. But any publisher can choose to opt out of Instapaper text-parsing compatibility.

To opt out, have your site's legal owner or copyright agent click here to contact Instapaper with the internet domain names of the site(s) you wish to opt out of text-parser compatibility. Please provide contact information for identity verification, including a daytime office phone number.

Link Your Sites' Articles to Instapaper

Help your readers save your articles for later by linking to your custom Instapaper URL using this format:

Each of the url, title, and description values must be URL-encoded, and title and description are optional (but title is recommended).

Example link: Save this for later with Instapaper

When clicked, readers will be sent through an Instapaper confirmation page and redirected back to your site upon completion. If they don't have an Instapaper account, or are not logged in, an explanatory message will appear and they'll be given a chance to log in or create an account before adding your page's URL and returning to your site.

One-click buttons

You can create an <IFRAME> button for Instapaper with this format:

<iframe border="0" scrolling="no" width="78" height="17" allowtransparency="true" frameborder="0"
 style="margin-bottom: -3px; z-index: 1338; border: 0px; background-color: transparent; overflow: hidden;"

Like the link option above, each of the url, title, and description values must be URL-encoded, and title and description are optional (but title is recommended).

Example button:

If readers are logged into Instapaper, this is a one-click button.

If they don't have an Instapaper account, are not logged in, or have restrictive cookie settings, they will be sent through the confirmation page like the link option above.

↑   Click & drag up to your Bookmarks Bar.