The Covid 19 pandemic has underscored the perils with efficiency maximisation at all costs and the importance of resilience. The excessive concentration of manufacturing, especially of critical Pharma
Innovation is a dominant ideology of our era, embraced in America by Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and the Washington DC political elite. As the pursuit of innovation has inspired technologists and cap
The Hologram: An open-source, peer-to-peer, viral social technology for dehabituating humans from capitalism The following is a short course to prepare us to become holograms, which is to say to devel
Introduction This Introduction gives an overview of the main questions and concerns voiced by the expression ‘pirate care’, which also the gathering principle for bringing together the different knowl
This is a bloggified version of the talk that I gave at GUADEC 2017. In converting it into print, it has been elaborated and refined. When I first got involved in GNOME, one of the things that struck
by Thomas Swann 20th April 2021 Viable Systems for Mutual Aid Almost a year ago, writing for this blog, I argued that the mutual aid networks that emerged around the world in response to Covid-19 coul
The universe bets on disorder. Imagine, for example, dropping a thimbleful of red dye into a swimming pool. All of those dye molecules are going to slowly spread throughout the water. Physicists quant
A hundred years ago, the Japanese scientist Y. Shirai published a mysterious finding: When Shirai transplanted tumor tissue into a mouse’s body, the tissue was destroyed by its immune system. But when
Photo illustration by Slate. Photo by Possessed Photography/Unsplash. K Allado-McDowell had been working with artificial intelligence for years—they established the Artists and Machine Intelligence pr
Bran Castle, Romania This summer, I seriously considered withdrawing from any involvement in politics. Exhausted through overwork, incapable of productive activity, I found myself drifting through soc
James C Scott is arguably the most perceptive of social science scholars, belonging to the highest standards of cross-disciplinary enquiry. He's been a trenchant critique of the modern state for over
Understanding White Privilege as Process I borrowed the title for this 2012 blog-post on whiteness from Edouard Glissant’s Caribbean Discourse via Michel-Rolph Trouillot’s Global Transformations : Tro
Por: João Vitor Santos | 09 Abril 2021 Enquanto nós ocidentais pensamos, analisamos, produzimos dados sobre a pandemia , a degradação ambiental , a relação entre os dois, e analisamos novamente, os in
SRSLY Wrong is a “research-based comedy podcast” run by a pair of Canadian fellas with a background in radical politics, occupy, and the Pirate Party; in a three part series, hosts Aaron Moritz and Sh
Many blog posts about Haskell often discuss the latest advances in our compiler, research in type systems and clever new ideas that make the Haskell language such a fun and inspiring tool. However, if
As part of our end of year sale , we are posting excerpts from some of our new titles. In this excerpt from the Care Collective looks at why we need to move away from the nuclear family as the assumed
We care about your data, and we'd like to use cookies to give you a smooth browsing experience. Please agree and read more about our privacy policy . Physics Mathematics Biology Computer Science Topic
Interview by Prop Anon For those familiar with, Grant Morrison needs no introduction. Over the course of his long career, Morrison, and his generation of punk rock warlords, busted throu
Photo by Target Presse Agentur Gmbh/Getty Images Thirty years ago, the philosopher Judith Butler *, now 64, published a book that revolutionised popular attitudes on gender. Gender Trouble , the work
There seems to be a great deal ofconfusion and erroneously held beliefs between the western concept of the HolyGuardian Angel and the Head Spirit of Haitian Vodou. At some point in mydevelopment I act
It seems natural to picture viruses as individual microscopic entities, but is there a more accurate way to think about them? In the first of this three-part series, Stephan Guttinger presents the cas
Last week, my family and I attended an interfaith rally in Los Angeles in defense of Black life. We performed a group ritual in which we made noise for nine minutes to mark the last moments of George
Vinay Gupta Jun 3 · 48 min read Everybody knows the old world ended this weekend. We better have a dialogue about what comes next. We all know that this is the end of the line for the old vision of Am
You’ve heard me talk about crash-only programming , right? It’s a programming paradigm for critical infrastructure systems, where there is — by design — no graceful way to shut down. A program can onl
White people in the Amazon, drinking a sacred indigenous brew, under a thatched roof, while a ceremonial leader in a feather crown and indigenous garb sings ancient songs in a mishmash of indigenous l
The share of wealth held by the Forbes 400 more than doubled from $1.27 trillion in 2009 to nearly $3 trillion this year (2019). The amount of taxable income for the wealthiest group of US citizens dr