developmental biology To Heal Some Wounds, Adult Cells Turn More Fetal August 29, 2018 Once again, body cells reveal unexpected plasticity: In a newly discovered type of wound healing, which some rese
Published in CodyHouse · 8 min read · Jul 18, 2018 -- Typography is arguably the essential part of a website. When we think about the content of a web page, we think about words. In this article, we’l
A little while ago, I wrote a well-received article about combining CSS variables with CSS grid to help build more maintainable layouts. But CSS grid isn’t just for pages! That is a common myth. Altho
Stigmergy is a term used in biology (from the work of french biologist Pierre-Paul Grasse) to describe environmental mechanisms for coordinating the work of independent actors (for example, ants use p
3 min read · Aug 12, 2016 -- Here’s a simple overview of what is increasingly becoming the dominant method of offensive warfare in the 21st Century. Early applications of this methodology to modern co
Psychologists are in the midst of an ongoing, difficult reckoning. Many believe that their field is experiencing a “ reproducibility crisis ,” because they’ve tried and failed to repeat experiments do
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In the following commentary, psychoanalyst and professor for sociology and women studies Patricia Ticineto Clough reflects on how her recent work on the user unconscious expands on/differs from Donna
How do we conceive of a gender politics and feminism responsive to the technoscientic infrastructures that shape everyday life? In this long read review, Mareile Pfannebecker reflects on Xenofeminism
At the Allen Institute for Brain Science in Seattle, there is a small sculpture called Crossing Over by Steve Worthington, dedicated to the lives of lab animals. It depicts three mice in a boat. One s
Happy Entangled New Year! Here are some thoughts and tidbits to round off 2017 and kick off 2018… AI, Fear and Hope In 2017, there was a lot of fear in the air — not only about politics, but about tec
The coolest, strangest thing in quantum mechanics is entanglement . Two particles that have interacted remain a part of the same quantum system, no matter how far away from each other that may be, or
Our lives are bathed in data: from recommendations about whom to “follow” or “friend” to data-driven autonomous vehicles. But in the past few years, it has become clear that the products and technolog
Jul 9, 2018 Pattern Library First: An Approach For Managing CSS About The Author Rachel Andrew is a web developer, writer and speaker. She is the author of a number of books, including The New CSS Lay
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First published in Le Monde . Translated by David Broder . Today, it has become commonplace to predict the end of the human race such as we know it. There are various reasons for such forecasts. Accor
Transaction Costs and Tethers: Why I’m a Crypto Skeptic The bitcoin logo on display at the Consensus 2018 blockchain technology conference in New York in May. Credit... Mike Segar/Reuters I’m still on
Outside of the imaginations of physics teachers, frictionless devices are hard to come by. But putting a bunch of swimming bacteria into a drop of water achieves just that: a fluid with zero resistanc
Tega Brain , Artist and Assistant Professor of Integrated Digital Media, New York University Figure 1: Seagrass in Tasmania, Australia. Credit: Tega Brain. In late 2017, Microsoft’s chief environmental scientist, Lucas Joppa announced AI for Earth, a new initiative to put artificial intelligence in…
The theoretical physicist John Wheeler once used the phrase “great smoky dragon” to describe a particle of light going from a source to a photon counter. “The mouth of the dragon is sharp, where it bi
Yale Privacy Lab has been warning about proximity tracking via mobile sensors and microphones , and Exodus Privacy's excellent scanner will help you find nasty trackers that utilize similar spy method
fundamental physics The Peculiar Math That Could Underlie the Laws of Nature July 20, 2018 New findings are fueling an old suspicion that fundamental particles and forces spring from strange eight-par
An interview with RYBN.ORG Max Haiven: During our the recent Navigating the City walking tour of the City of London in April you were using the Offshore Tour Operator , an open-source device you devel
Firms involved in international commerce routinely contract that disputes are to be resolved by private courts of arbitration such as the International Court of Arbitration , the London Court of Inter
In recent weeks I've been forced to reformulate and distill my views on AI. After my winter post went viral many people contacted me over email and on twitter with many good suggestions. Since there i
Alenda Y. Chang As relayed by Ovid in The Metamorphoses , the myth of Narcissus is that of a beautiful young demigod who is destined to live a long life, unless—as the prophet Tiresias mysteriously au
There’s a lot of discussion in the music industry right now around transparency and rights management. This is in tandem with a discussion on how this would be implemented, and at the moment that disc
(Photo credit: Rob Lavinsky, – CC-BY-SA-3.0) In 1945, Count , Richard Taaffe * a Dublin gem collector, was sorting through a set of spinel gems that he had bought, and found one that refrac
TL;DR: Design systems + CSS Zen Garden = Awesome. Is it possible to create a single design system that powers wildly different-looking brands and experiences? The answer is yes! But why would you want
Unless something zany happens in the next couple of days -always a possibility in 2018- this week’s newsletter will inevitably be about the Eurozone. Also, this week’s podcast is of a piece in terms o
Our goal: Social rights — global and concrete What is our goal in criticising growth, and why do we think it necessary in principle to sketch lines of flight for a degrowth economy at this juncture? O
An interesting piece by Praphul Chandra on CryptoEconomics: Once you move past the speculative pricing of cryptocurrencies and ICOs, Blockchains are fundamentally a way to create economies. The abilit
3 Ways Design Professors Are Using Kickstarter to Teach Entrepreneurship School's out, but many design students are still at work on the crowdfunding campaigns they started in these courses By - May 1
Until fairly recently, artificial intelligence didn’t learn. To create a machine that learns to think more efficiently was a big challenge. In the same sense, one of the things that I wonder about is
The CSS Grid module is a fantastic tool for creating mockups of websites. It allows you to experiment with the layout faster than any other system I’ve tried. In this article, I’ll teach you how. I’ve
Garry cringed, like someone just spit in his breakfast. Pawn to f5. Blue remained silent, like it just spit in someone else’s breakfast. Rook to e7: taking Garry’s queen. This was Game 6, but Garry ha
I’ve just read an excellent paper that succinctly, eloquently, and wisely summarised the current predicament of our highly interconnected, global, complex adaptive system (i.e., our environment). If y
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