jQuery(document).ready(function($) {$(".mask-box p").fitText(1.11);$(".mask-box h3").fitText(0.28);});I recently wrote about Controlling Web Typography and focused on CSS pseudo selectors &...
The concept of permanently placing content on a web page for a single browsing width or resolution is becoming a thing of the past. Media-queried responsive & adaptive sites afford us the ability to...
Handling javascript errors as always been sort of a problem for me. Testing every combination possible in a big application is hard, and there is always a chance you will miss something. Of course, we...
About The Author Richard ( @richardshepherd ) is a UK based web designer and front-end developer. He loves to play with HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and WordPress, and currently works …More about RichardShepherd … July 12, 2011 Behind The Scenes Of Nike Better World: Storytelling Experience Upgrade your…
15 July 2011 Media queries are clearly a huge step forward for responsive layouts. Letting you apply different CSS based on the width of the device or the viewport opens up all sorts of possibilities for adapting content to best fit a given space. Media queries work really well when you want to…
It’s only been on the Mac App Store for a few days, but Final Cut Pro X has already stirred up a whole messy pot of controversy. Despite its status as the top paid and top grossing app in the store, the program has dropped to a measly two-and-a-half star user rating, with more than 200 one-star…
I’m going to make a bold prediction. Long after you and I are gone, HTML will still be around. Not just in billions of archived pages from our era, but as a living, breathing entity. Too much effort, energy, and investment has gone into developing the web’s tools, protocols, and platforms for it to…
What Zen was to the 70’s (most famously with motorcycle maintenance), the Tao Te Ching was to the 90’s. From Piglet and Pooh to Physics and back, many have sought sense in applying the Tao Te Ching to something (the Tao of Physics ), or something to the Tao Te Ching (the Tao of Pooh ). It can be a…
This article is for those who are new to ARIA. You need an understanding of HTML and the potential difficulties that people with disabilities can face using the Web. It is useful to be familiar with some Rich Internet Applications from a user's perspective After reading this article, you'll…
CSS Gallery Home (current) Privacy Policy Contact Us Home The most common causes of getting loans for the businesses and companies The most common causes of getting loans for the businesses and companies Companies, new businesses and service providers in New Zealand, need some sort of the financial…
If you're curious about Google+, the new social network platform from Google, you're not alone. I've logged several hours already on the platform, experimenting, testing, and observing. It sparks my...
Yes you can have multiple sitemaps for your site. Create the sitemaps you need, and then specify them in your robots.txt file. For example, here are the robots.txt directives for the two sitemaps used...
When it comes to front-end performance, good asset management is just as important as good code. Simply put: downloading assets takes time. Computers and browsers now render pages and execute Javascript faster than ever. Although user bandwidth is increasing, the filesize of assets has been growing…
In the previous part of this series, we discussed some techniques and best practices for CSS typography. Let’s now delve into the subject further by looking into some case studies, tools, as well as a...
Scale & Rhythm This page falls somewhere between a tool and an essay. It sets out to explore how the intertwined typographic concepts of scale and rhythm can be encouraged to shake a leg on web pages. Drag the colored boxes along the scale to throw these words anew. For the most part, this text is…
With all the vendor prefixes and all the new complex properties like animations and gradients, it's nice to format them so they are nicely readable. I agree with David DeSandro here that lining up the...
This is a guest post by Robin Thrift who wrote to me with some demo code for creating this effect. Together we turned it into a jQuery plugin. Enjoy! I was browsing through a few Flash templates on...
When working with HTML5 today, many of you know that you’ll need to include the “HTML5 shiv” to ensure that CSS will recognize and be able to style those elements in browsers that aren’t yet hip to...
The Magic Behind Amazon’s 2.7 Billion Dollar Question by Jared M. Spool Thanks to Marco Dini for the Italian translation to this article. Since its release in 2007, the last volume of the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, has garnered 3,490 reviews from Amazon.com customers.…
Starting in 1998 with Internet Explorer 4, and then from March 2008 through March of 2010, one by one, all of the “big five” desktop browsers—Safari, Firefox, Opera, and Chrome—have rolled out roughly comparable implementations of @font-face font linking. With these, an indispensable piece of the…
Although this idea isn't new (and just for the record I know I didn't invent it), when I teach my design philosophy at workshops and conferences I'm often surprised to hear that the notion that people using different browsers (even up-to-date ones) might intentionally see differences in visual…
About The Author Louis Lazaris is a freelance web developer and author based in Toronto, Canada. He blogs about front-end code on Impressive Webs and curates Web Tools Weekly , a …More about LouisLazaris … June 7, 2010 The Principles Of Cross-Browser CSS Coding Upgrade your inbox and get our…
About The Author Lyndon Cerejo is a certified user experience strategist in Capgemini’s Rapid Design & Visualization practice, with a successful track record with …More about LyndonCerejo … June 16, 2010 Design Better And Faster With Rapid Prototyping Upgrade your inbox and get our editors’ picks 2×…
Oh, ’s. How many quirks you posses. Here is a collection of nine things you might want to do related to textareas. Enjoy. 1. Image as textarea background, disappears when text is entered. You can add...
CSS has a property called content. It can only be used with the pseudo elements :after and :before. It is written like a pseudo selector (with the colon), but it’s called a pseudo element because it’s...
One of my favorite security measures here at Perishable Press is the site’s virtual Blackhole trap for bad bots. The concept is simple: include a hidden link to a robots.txt-forbidden directory...
How David Simon’s disappointment with the industry that let him down made The Wire the greatest show on television—and why his searing vision shouldn’t be confused with reality.
To wrap long URLs, strings of text, and other content, just apply this carefully crafted chunk of CSS code to any block-level element (e.g., perfect for tags): pre { white-space: pre; /* CSS 2.0 */...
So you created that nice website or web application and would like to go a step further in optimizing the front-end loading time? With some great free tools you can easily optimize your javascript to...