Every time I tell someone about OpenStreetMap, they inevitably ask "Why not use Google Maps?" From a practical standpoint, it's a reasonable question, but ultimately this is not just a matter of pract
Jal Bapasola, Rustom Bhumgara, and Adi Hakim (left to right) rode around the world on Royal Benson cycles. Courtesy Anoop Babani and Savia Viegas In 2017, Anoop Babani, Goa-based former journalist, wa
After Mapbox announced the closure of Mapbox GL JS, their JavaScript library for displaying maps using WebGL, the community made a collective decision to maintain and further develop the last open-sou
Since the pandemic began, there has been a lot of talk about the supposed lack of scientific information available at the outset, a void which led to our failures to contain the virus. The science has
Published on 2021-02-21 Why not take a break? In the photo above, a Wii Remote is sitting on a table next to an open window. People who grew up playing the Wii might remember it; while playing Wii Spo
Wer gegen Covid-19 geimpft ist, soll in Europa frei reisen können. Diese Idee wird derzeit in der EU diskutiert. Nach dem Vorbild von Israel möchte die Europäische Union einen «digitalen grünen Impfa
In der Pizzeria einmal ungeniert in die Runde husten: In normalen Zeiten ist das unanständig, in diesen grenzt es an fahrlässige Körperverletzung. Das Covid-19-Ansteckungsrisiko in Restaurants und B
Die Meldungen häufen sich: Deutsche Polizisten gehen hart gegen Linke, Klimaaktivistinnen, Migranten, nicht weisse Menschen vor – und lassen gleichzeitig Nazis laufen, herzen Querdenkerinnen, tummel
Amongst the many consequences of COVID-19 has been the suspension of in-persontalks: suddenly, people like me have had to think about how to produceprerecorded videos. In this article I’m going to exp
I think one of the defining characteristics of human beings is their tendency to build infrastructures. Many animals do have tools, basically “tech”, but I think few if not none establish these wonder
Es gibt Dinge, mit denen ist man nur durch kulturelle Osmose vertraut. Dinge, die in einer (Sub-)Kultur relevant sind, und die man – selbst wenn man sie nicht direkt wahrnimmt – anhand der Reaktionen
Project Wheelie begins at Idaho’s Boise Bike Park, in a session with my friend Kenny Woodall. Kenny is my age, but he rides with the effortless finesse of someone who grew up on a BMX track. My son ta
City simulators like SimCity are serious games — the kind that gets coverage well beyond the video game press. The kind of game that appears in school curriculums. The kind of game your non-gaming unc
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Many technologists viscerally felt yesterday’s announcement as a punch to the gut when we heard that the Signal messaging app was bundling an embedded cryptocurrency. This news really cut to heart of
Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photos: Getty Images Back in the fall, I received an unexpected text from a man I had just started seeing. “Are u on wikifeet?” Assuming he was joking, I laughed and sa
Subscribe Now To access exclusive content, subscribe to STAT+ View Latest View the latest STAT+ stories Your go-to source for the latest news and insights in the world of life sciences, medicine, biot
Last update on May 12, 2022 Published on February 11, 2021 So many of today’s issues are viewed through a political lens, and that includes Big Tech deplatforming. But in reality, deplatforming is a p
Tanya Ong Can't trust everything you see online these days. March 17, 2021, 06:22 PM There exists this Twitter account: azusagakuyuki. It is essentially a repository of photos and tweets from what app
Applied Capitalism For Fun And Profit I'm a capitalist. A friend of mine is a devoted Marxist. I think we mutually agree that, considering any particular employee, it is in that employee's personal in
Subscriber Only Sign in or Subscribe Now for audio version In storage at the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston is the secret to what one professor calls “the first Down Syndrome Association in the history
Antiscience has emerged as a dominant and highly lethal force, and one that threatens global security, as much as do terrorism and nuclear proliferation. We must mount a counteroffensive and build new
I took a 32″ eInk display and turned it into a digital newspaper that updates every day. It’s silent, wireless and can run for months without being plugged in. The display is based on the Visionect 32
In 2017, when a National Security Agency (NSA) whistleblower wanted to extract classified government documents from her work computer, she sought refuge in the printed page. Maybe she thought physical
Editor’s Note: Today’s post is by Leslie D. McIntosh. Leslie is the founder and CEO of Ripeta, a company formed to improve scientific research quality and reproducibility. The company leads efforts in
Triggerwarnung: In diesem Text geht es um sexualisierte Gewalt. Er enthält einzelne explizite Beschreibungen. Anja* will raus. Sie befindet sich in einer Wohnung in Basel, draussen wacht die Sta
Wie wir nur mal kurz einen Corona-Test machen wollten und versehentlich in ein Nest voller Sicherheitslücken gefallen sind. Seit dem 8. März gibt es in Berlin »kostenlose Bürger*innen-Tests«. Über das
Die Herausforderungen der COVID19-Pandemie offenbaren vielerorts Digitalisierungsmängel. Der akute Bedarf an digitalen Lösungen motiviert viele Unternehmen zu digitalen Schnellschüssen. Während am Hor
Die Augen des Anlageberaters leuchten, als käme jetzt das, worauf er schon die ganze Zeit gewartet habe. Er hebt sich aus dem tiefen Lederbürostuhl, seine Hand verlässt den Bildausschnitt der Zoom-Kon
Die Protagonistin dieser Geschichte möchte anonym bleiben. Name und Wohnort der Betroffenen sind der Redaktion bekannt. Julia Prosinger hat ihre Geschichte aufgeschrieben. Ich wusste ziemlich schnell,
Am Dienstag hat Facebook seine Pläne für eine eigene Kryptowährung veröffentlicht. Diese wird Libra heißen und zuerst für Zahlungen in Facebooks drei Messenger-Apps eingesetzt werden. Berichten zufolg
Aquinas famously said: beware the man of one book. I would add: beware the man of one study. For example, take medical research. Suppose a certain drug is weakly effective against a certain disease. A
This article was featured in One Great Story, New York’s reading recommendation newsletter. Sign up here to get it nightly. Photo: L. Busacca/WireImage The New York Times’s Framing Britney Spears docu
Meinung Ein Gastbeitrag von Jürgen Geuter Aktualisiert am 26.01.2021Lesedauer: 4 Min. Was ist eine Meinung? Was ist eine Meinung?Die subjektive Sicht des Autors auf das Thema. Niemand muss diese Meinu
Recently, a friend sent me a Wired article entitled “The Power and Paradox of Bad Software”. The short piece, written by Paul Ford, discusses the idea that the software industry might be too obsessed
Manuel Conzett unterwegs im Prättigau. Mein Bruder Manuel gehört zu den Menschen, die in der Regel keine Abstimmung verpassen. Dabei ist es alles andere als selbstverständlich, dass Manuel überhaupt
|Leben| Meine Freundin, die Freikirchlerin – «Ich habe mich entschieden, Jesus zu folgen» Julia Spreiter ist Mitglied einer Freikirche. Nach einer Lebenskrise findet sie zu Gott. Sie gewährt einen int
Imagine an kid in school first hearing about germ theory. The conversation might go something like this: Teacher: Many diseases like the common cold are spread by germs, when one infected person conta