After 17 years, ProgrammableWeb has shut down operations. Since joining MuleSoft in 2013, ProgrammableWeb has sought to bring awareness to the impact APIs can have on modern businesses. Nearly a decad
Advertisement This site uses cookies to enhance your user experience. By continuing to use this site you are agreeing to our COOKIE POLICY. Grab your lab coat. Let's get started Welcome! Welcome! Crea
Last week, for about three days, the macOS video transcoding app HandBrake was compromised. One of the two download servers for HandBrake was serving up a special malware-infested version of the app,
I’ve heard that in the future computerized AIs will become so much smarter than us that they will take all our jobs and resources, and humans will go extinct. Is this true? That’s the most common ques
Idle Words > Talks > Website Obesity This is the text version of a talk I gave on October 29, 2015, at the Web Directions conference in Sydney. [53 minute video]. Let me start by saying that beautiful
I have to tell you about the Kalman filter, because what it does is pretty damn amazing. Surprisingly few software engineers and scientists seem to know about it, and that makes me sad because it is s
Die Zeit, in der Helene fast täglich an Selbstmord dachte, begann im Sommer vor fünfzehn Jahren. Helene war damals Mitte siebzig und lebte in derselben Wohnung mit den quadratischen Fenstern, in der s
Read the English version of this article here Als Claudia Haydt entdeckt, dass der Deutsche Bundestag angegriffen wird, sitzt sie an ihrem Schreibtisch und ist entnervt. Ihr Büro liegt in einem Parlam
In 2014, Google fired a shot heard all the way to Detroit. Google’s newest driverless car prototype had no steering wheel and no brakes. The message was clear: Cars of the future will be born fully au
Den Cisalpino nach Zürich besteige ich nach Sonnenaufgang in Mailand, außer mir sitzt nur noch ein weiterer Passagier im Abteil. Der italienische Schaffner hat ihm zu seiner Fahrkarte ein Zusatzbillet
They wore no coats. They just shivered there, in the crisp night air. And to the cabdriver who slowed to study the three men who'd called for a ride, this seemed strange. It was January, after all, an
Inhalt Artikel bewerten: Durchschnittliche Bewertung: 3.92 von 5 bei 100 abgegebenen Stimmen. Nazibraut goes Instagram Was hinter der Nazi-Romantik von Fräulein Hess steckt Plumpe Hakenkreuz-Symbolik war gestern - rechtsextreme Ideologien verbreiten sich heute implizit im Netz: durch junge, rechte…
Playlists: '33c3' videos starting here / audio / related events 63 min 2016-12-27 2016-12-28 6023 Fahrplan Last year we have been talking about DPRK’s operating system Red Star OS and its surveillance
The SIGGRAPH Technical Papers program is the premier international forum for disseminating new scholarly work in computer graphics and interactive techniques. SIGGRAPH 2017 brings together thousands o
Video marketing Power your marketing strategy with perfectly branded videos to drive better ROI. Event marketing Host virtual events and webinars to increase engagement and generate leads. Employee co
Sales Wick is a pilot for SWISS and while working an overnight flight from Zurich to Sao Paulo, he filmed the first segment of the flight from basically the dashboard of the plane and made a timelapse
A trio of boys tramps along the length of a wooden fence, back and forth, shouting like carnival barkers. “The Land! It opens in half an hour.” Down a path and across a grassy square, 5-year-old Dylan
Web startups are made out of two things: people and code. The people make the code, and the code makes the people rich. Code is like a poem; it has to follow certain structural requirements, and yet o
If you're like me from three minutes ago and you've never seen this video but want to laugh really hard, push play on this little number. You can safely skip ahead to about 0:33...that's when the acti
Ein Artikel von Hendrik Lehmann, Lisa Charlotte Rost, Maria Fiedler, Markus Reuter und Michael Kreil. Der Berliner Landesverband der AfD war dabei. Der Ortsverband in Magdeburg. Auch einzelne Politike
Getty Images SAN JOSE — It is spring in California and the rains have finally returned after years of absence. The grass is green, the hillsides are coated in yellow and orange and blue flowers, and t
Es ist nur eine einfache Pappschachtel, die der Pastor öffnet. Und doch starren drei Augenpaare darauf, gespannt und ängstlich zugleich. Was wird das nun wieder sein? Pastor Aßheuer holt eine blonde P
Meghan Owings plucks a horseshoe crab out of a tank and bends its helmet-shaped shell in half to reveal a soft white membrane. Owings inserts a needle and draws a bit of blood. “See how blue it is,” s
The dress code of the clientele in Planet Organic, Notting Hill is gym chic. On a hot day in mid-August, the men wore mid-thigh shorts, pectoral-enhancing vests, neon Nikes; the women were in black le
Written ByMark Manson Filed Under Happiness Productivity Listen to this article 00:0000:00 I go to this boot camp-style class sometimes at a gym near my apartment. It’s one of those classes where a co
When he began to kill, Thounaojam Herojit never intended to tell his wife – let alone the whole country. After an execution, he would go home and wait by the corrugated tin gate for her to bring him a
From Superhuman Sports to Amplifying Human Senses Kai Kunze Playlists: '33c3' videos starting here / audio / related events 33 min 2016-12-30 2473 Fahrplan With recent development in capture technolog
W17 Cal Henderson Emoji for fun and profit By 2020, all written language will have been supplanted by emoji. But how did it come to this? To understand how emoji work, you first need to learn a little
One day in late June 2001, Rosario Porto, a petite, dark-haired lawyer from Santiago de Compostela, northern Spain, sat nervously on a flight to China beside her husband Alfonso Basterra, a quiet man
On a recent trip to Disney World, I had an unusual experience. I rode a ride. It broke. We were evacuated, and a few minutes later, I got a picture on my phone. It was an empty raft sliding down Splas
You’re Too Busy. You Need a ‘Shultz Hour.’ George Shultz sharing a quiet moment with Ronald Reagan in Ireland in 1984. When George Shultz was secretary of state in the 1980s, he liked to carve out one
Draußen singen die Vögel, vom Garten her weht Frühlingswind ins Wohnzimmer. Ein alter Mann sitzt auf einem Sessel, groß und kräftig, er hat weiße Haare und blaue Augen. Der Sessel steht neben einem Ka
Southside Tattoo Parlor will cover up any gang related or racist tattoo free of charge. Random Acts of Tattoo Project:
Last year, a strange self-driving car was released onto the quiet roads of Monmouth County, New Jersey. The experimental vehicle, developed by researchers at the chip maker Nvidia, didn’t look differe
Be sure to check out my video on HARMONIC POLYRHYTHMS to better understand why this crazy illusion works! SUPPORT ME ON PATREON:
When did we start telling each other to stand up straight? How did posture become so loaded with meaning? And what can the history of this strange idea tell us about how we approach health and pain to
Titelfoto von Wikimedia In der Kolumne "Anarchy In The Internet" kommentieren und dokumentieren Hacker des Chaos Computer Club netzpolitische Aktualitäten und Dauerbrenner. Zensur bedeutet Information
Books can do anything. As Franz Kafka once said, “A book must be the axe for the frozen sea inside us.” It was Kafka, wasn’t it? Google confirms this. But where did he say it? Google offers links to s