Introduction: In the early 1990s, two Russian artists named Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid took the unusual step of hiring a market research firm. Their brief was simple. Understand what Americans
A lways use the word ‘Africa’ or ‘Darkness’ or ‘Safari’ in your title. Subtitles may include the words ‘Zanzibar’, ‘Masai’, ‘Zulu’, ‘Zambezi’, ‘Congo’, ‘Nile’, ‘Big’, ‘Sky’, ‘Shadow’, ‘Drum’, ‘Sun’ or
Symposium: Mormonism and SF download Liz Busby As a prominently religious author, Brandon Sanderson has been frequently asked about how his beliefs influence his work. In a podcast recorded in 2010 fo
Le proposte sulla scuola sono una delle parti più deboli dei programmi dei partiti. Prima delle elezioni Pagella politica li ha messi in fila , mostrandone la vaghezza e l’assenza di copertura economi
Il frate cappuccino Padre Pio da Pietrelcina, al secolo Francesco Forgione, uno dei santi più popolari e controversi anche grazie alla fama di santità in vita, da sempre sospetta all’istituzione eccle
Nella notte della vittoria elettorale Giorgia Meloni aveva sintetizzato il percorso seguito dal partito da lei guidato con una frase che attribuiva a san Francesco. Ben presto diversi interventi – anc
Sid Meier is famous for creating the video game Civilization. He’s also known for having his name on the box. Meier released Civilization thirty years ago this month, after developing it with Bruce Sh
L’altro ieri Giorgia Meloni si è presentata nei social con un video, rompendo il consueto silenzio elettorale. Imbracciava due meloni con un gesto decisamente trash e ha pronunciato una frase: “Ho det
Credit: Klaus Vedfelt Getty Images Our quirky minds thwart psychologists’ efforts to find durable theories. But terror-management theory has held up quite well since three psychologists proposed it mo
King is not a Christian writer, but his works, especially those that star supernatural boogiemen, often feel strangely spiritual. I first met Randall Flagg in high school, when a friend of mine lent m
Sono le 4.50 di un mattino di marzo quando mi fisso nello specchio del bagno di un oratorio della profonda provincia rumena. A fianco ho un ragazzino dagli spettacolari capelli rossi che qualche ora p
Last week, the incoming Director-General of the ICRC stressed the importance of reducing bureaucracy in humanitarian action . Here, Hugo Slim examines the bureaucratization of humanitarian action as t
The coronavirus pandemic forced almost all U.S. colleges and universities to cancel classes in March and resort to remote learning for the rest of the spring semester. But the lockdowns also brought t
Updated at 12:04 p.m. ET on November 7, 2020. Now that Joe Biden has won the presidency, we can expect debates over whether Donald Trump was an aberration (“not who we are!”) or another instantiation
Does liberalism owe its existence to Christianity? Yes, says Larry Siedentop in Inventing the Individual: The Origins of Western Liberalism : “Liberalism rests on the moral assumptions provided by Chr
“In the name of Jesus, this flag has to come down.” So begins one of the most consequential sermons of the twenty-first century. Bree Newsome, a thirty-year-old artist from North Carolina, was a few d
A 1959 Fender Telecaster, blond finish, white pickguard, maple fretboard, will set you back about thirty thousand dollars. Jim Campilongo is known for playing a 1959 Telecaster, blond, white guard, ma
Share I l mondo dopo la pandemia non sarà il mondo di prima. Cosa ci aspetta oltre questo orizzonte non lo sappiamo; qualsiasi scenario, anche il più ottimista, prevede comunque una civiltà che, dopo
HONG KONG—As the number of confirmed coronavirus cases exploded in China early this year, Hong Kong, densely populated and connected to the mainland, was able to largely contain the virus’s spread . A
The shock itself is shocking. Shouldn’t we have been more prepared? Hasn’t culture been drenched in catastrophe porn for decades? The bomb. The breakdown. The fallout. The senseless armies of shamblin
Teachers’ Herculean Task: Moving 1.1 Million Children to Online School New York City’s 75,000 public school educators are facing a challenge unlike anything in their careers. For students to avoid per
For many years, researchers have treated the individual traits and characteristics of autistic people as an enduring essence of their autism-- in isolation of the social context and without even askin
Thibault Le Texier (19 mars 2020 @17h55) : Merci pour ce texte. On pourrait lui ajouter, pour bien donner à voir le cynisme obscène de ces connards qui nous gouvernent, les quelques faits suivants (li
Europa David Quammen: «Questo virus è più pericoloso di Ebola e Sars» L'intervista. L’autore di «Spillover» (Adelphi, 2014) spiega il nesso tra uomini e pipistrelli. E perché la pandemia dipende sopra
The timing of the coronavirus pandemic has been convenient for exactly no one. For some writers’ careers, it’s been devastating. They’ve had their book releases eclipsed, their tours canceled, their s
Some Christians have made the Lenten commitment to limit their consumption in service of the Earth, rather than themselves. Photograph from Alamy On a recent Monday evening, at an event called “Doing
Photo: Dr. F.A. Murphy/Getty Images/Visuals Unlimited ( Note: Scientific understanding of how the virus spreads has evolved since March, when this article was published.) You call a friend and arrange
T hree months ago , no one knew that SARS-CoV-2 existed. Now the virus has spread to almost every country, infecting at least 446,000 people whom we know about, and many more whom we do not. It has cr
As of March 20, more than 8,700 people worldwide had died of COVID-19, the disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Caltech trustee David Ho (BS '74) of the Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center, Columbia University, says that this is just the tip of the…
Humankind is now facing a global crisis. Perhaps the biggest crisis of our generation. The decisions people and governments take in the next few weeks will probably shape the world for years to come. They will shape not just our healthcare systems but also our economy, politics and culture. We must…
People seeking help for pandemic influenza in Brazil in July 2009, when cold weather boosted the spread of the disease. JEFFERSON BERNARDES/AFP/Getty Images On a December afternoon, 13 days before the winter solstice, six men and women checked into the Surrey Clinical Research Facility, part of the…
Article The latest threat to global health is the ongoing outbreak of the respiratory disease that was recently given the name Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19). Covid-19 was recognized in December 2019. It was rapidly shown to be caused by a novel coronavirus that is structurally related to the…
God vs. Coronavirus Religion is supposed to be a source of comfort in times of confusion and suffering. And yet everywhere you look, services are being suspended. Mr. Ferraresi is an Italian journalist. The Italian government has canceled services at the Milan Cathedral and all other houses of…
I did it because walking felt like the only way to process my despair after the election. My arrival in Selma, Alabama , on April 4, 2017, was less a choice than a matter of self-preservation. Following years of unarmed shootings, bombings, hate crimes, gentrification, voter suppression tactics, pay…
"I can confirm that one does not walk 2,000 miles across the face of this country as a black woman without building up an incredible sense of self." Jennifer Kahn for BuzzFeed News For many, the Appalachian Trail is a footpath of numbers . There are miles to Maine. The daily chance of precipitation.…
Knowing how to program a computer is good for you, and it’s a shame more people don’t learn to do it. For years now, that’s been a hugely popular stance. It’s led to educational initiatives as effortless sounding as the Hour of Code (offered by ) and as obviously ambitious as Code Year…
Illustration: Peter Gamlen D r David Pollens is a psychoanalyst who sees his patients in a modest ground-floor office on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, a neighbourhood probably only rivalled by the Upper West Side for the highest concentration of therapists anywhere on the planet. Pollens, who is…
Illustration by Ana Galvañ Where do ideas come from? That’s a big question. Here’s a smaller one: Where do mathematical ideas come from? I’ve wondered about this from the time I first contemplated being a mathematician until long after I officially became one. My earliest memory of anything like a…
Alex Honnold, Liz Cambage, Brooks Koepka and NFL stars such as Myles Garrett and the Eagles offensive line are featured in ESPN's 2019 Body Issue. To see interviews, pictures, videos and more, visit our full 2019 gallery. "DUDE," ALEX HONNOLD tells me, "you should go in the loft." We are standing at…
Editor’s Note: On Tuesday night, Chris Hedges and Sam Harris debated “Religion, Politics and the End of the World.” The following is Hedges’ opening statement, in which he argues that Harris and other critics of faith have mistakenly blamed religion for the ills of the world, when the true danger…