Massage therapy has been used for many thousands of years. There are numerous types of massage, each one having its own benefits. Massage is becoming more popular due to its psychological and emotional benefits. In fact there have been studies conducted to show that massage therapy may even be beneficial in reducing levels of stress hormones within the body. This is a great news for the thousands of Americans who suffer from stress levels that are high every day. Massage therapy has been used for many thousands of years. There are numerous types of massage, each one having its own benefits. Massage is becoming more popular due to its psychological and emotional benefits. In fact there have been studies conducted to show that massage therapy may even be beneficial in reducing levels of stress hormones within the body. This is a great news for the thousands of Americans who suffer from stress levels that are high every day. Swedish massage is often used as a method of alleviating pain, particularly those who suffer from persistent pain. What is the effect of the Swedish massage help with chronic pain? Swedish massage is
The massage you give your baby before birth - should you Consider Giving Your Baby One? The massage you give your baby before birth - should you Consider Giving Your Baby One?